Katie Morag
Primary 1 have been very busy this term helping Katie Morag. She asked for our help at the start of term because she wanted more people to read her stories. We have been learning all about her life on the Isle of Struay and how different it is to living in a town like Renfrew. We thought that it would be a good idea to share our learning by creating our very own Isle of Struay and inviting our friends and family to come and visit so that they could find out how fantastic Katie Morag is too.
We had lots of fun getting ready for our special open evening. Our primary 7 buddies helped us to learn a Scottish dance called the Gay Gordons and we practised it with our friends.
At our open evening, some of the children demonstrated what to do and then we danced with our special guests. They had fun too!
We sang some Scottish songs
and told the mummies and daddies what the songs were called.
We explained that we were going to show them a dance that Katie Morag likes to do.
Our teachers were very proud of us.
We showed our primary 7 buddies some of the activities that we had prepared for our open evening.
They were impressed with our work and enjoyed hearing about Katie Morag.
They thought that we had made a super job of our homework challenge: shoebox beach or farm scenes. Mrs Ayres thought so too!
We really enjoyed their visit.
We enjoyed listening to all of Katie Morag's stories and produced some fabulous work throughout the topic. Katie Morag must be very pleased that we did such a good job, helping her.